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CEU Credits
CEU credits requires BOTH the CEU Sign-In Sheet and Course Evaluation to be filled out and returned to Carla Labuguen for the AM Plenary Session and your PM Workshop.

Both of these documents will be available for download within the ZoomGov Workshop sessions during the day of the training. Plenary Session CEU Sign-In Sheet and Course Evaluation will be available to download here from September 11-13, 2024.

Please note – CEU Credits are available if the Pre-Recorded Plenary Sessions are accessed from September 11-13, 2024. CEU credits are only available when participating in the workshops in real time on the day of the training. Workshop sign-in sheets and course evaluation forms are due on September 13, 2024. Additionally, these CEU credits are ONLY available for LCSWs. LPCs and CADCs accepted, HOWEVER you will need to check and confirm with your state board. Social Work CEUs may count, but each state makes their own determination. Please check before expecting CEUs for this training. This training will not be responsible if your state does not accept our Social Work CEUs.

A total of 7.25 total credit hours are pending approval for this Training.
4.00 credit hours total for Pre-Recorded Plenary Sessions
3.25 credit hours per workshop


The CEU Sign-In Sheet and Course Evaluation Form must be completed and returned to Carla Labuguen NLT 13 SEPTEMBER 2024 1600 PDT. Sign-In Sheets and Course Evaluation Forms will NOT be accepted after this date.

There is an additional survey what will be sent out via email to you by Infinity Conference Group. Please complete the survey evaluation as your responses are important to the future planning of this Training.

For questions, contact:
Mrs. Carla Labuguen,