SUD 2024 Logo

The 8th Annual Substance Use Disorder Symposium is brought to you by the National Capital Region Pain Initiative at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. The Symposium is designed to help clinicians and healthcare teams prevent, identify, and treat substance use disorders as it requires a multifaceted approach including education, research, intervention and clinical care.

This year’s Substance Use Disorder Symposium will be held as a virtual event via ZOOMGov.

AGENDA (all times in EDT)

PLENARY SESSIONS will be pre-recorded and made available for viewing starting
11 September 2024

Welcome – Dr. Christopher Spevak

(Information on Plenary Sessions, CMEs, Certificates and Trainings)
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Keynote Speaker: Dr. Michael D. Fox – Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School
Common Brain Network Linked to Addiction Across Multiple Substances: What This Means for the Future of Addiction Treatment?

Click here to access:

Drug Testing in the Military – Dr. Erin Karschner

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Red Flags and Beyond (Covering Commonly Misused/Abused/Diverted Prescription Medications, Controlled Substances Red Flags Best Practices) – Dr. Mark Garofoli

Click here to access:

Own Your Limits, YouCanQuit2,  and the Too Much to Lose Campaigns – LTC Virgil Rivera, Mr. Cory Fitzgerald & Ms. Kate Geusic

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A Simple Program for Complicated People: AA, Community Self-Help, and the Clinician’s Role

Individuals with alcohol use disorders are frequently encouraged to attend Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and court systems continue to mandate regular attendance at meetings for those engaged in the legal systems as a result of their drinking and drug use, but why? With all the available advancements in the fields of psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, and neuroscience, why is a nearly century-old self-help program that claims to be non-organized, non-professional, does not promote itself, is unstructured and not affiliated with any outside enterprises, and where meetings are led by individuals with no formal training at all, still promoted and often preferred for treating alcoholism and drug addiction?

Through this workshop, we will explore various community recovery programs, like AA, for the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction and process addictions. We will review the latest available research comparing AA with treatment as usual and hear the personal stories of two brave clients whose lives have been positively impacted by engaging in community recovery. Lastly, we will help provide insight around some of the common barriers that keep clients from engaging in community recovery and how to address these barriers in a skillful and supportive way. 

Functional Medicine Approach to Substance Use Disorders

Evidence has shown that alterations in the gut microbiome and liver function arising from SUDs can be a factor when treating patients. Including various lifestyle approaches from functional medicine can have positive effects on treatment outcomes. This presentation will focus on personalized health care approaches focused largely on nutrition and lifestyle management including sleep, exercise, and stress management. 

Psychedelics & Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

This workshop will delve into the latest research and clinical applications of psychedelics such as MDMA and psilocybin in treating substance use disorders and other conditions, exploring their potential to usher in a new paradigm of care. Participants will gain insights into the mechanisms, potential benefits, safety concerns, and other ethical, legal, and military-specific considerations of these emerging therapies.

Understanding the Issues with SUD Patient: Beyond the Diagnosis

This workshop will focus on not only recognizing but illuminating the myriad of biopsychosocial components that can contribute to everyone’s diagnosis. Understanding of this process will allow the participants to acquire greater insight into the comorbid associated diagnoses along with the grieving process that may occur because of these patients. Learning these aspects will further enhance participants’ skills to develop more specific and effective treatment strategies and approaches.

Sponsored By:

National Capital Region Pain Initiative
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

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