2024 Pain Care Skills Training with Dates - Plenaries: Augst 13, 2024. Virtual Training: August 14-15, 2024. In Person Training: August 20-21, 2024.


NAVY CME/CNE is not available for registration at this time, more information will be available at this site as we get closer to the training. Please check back mid July/early August for detailed information.

Please note: NAVY CME/CNE registration will be needed for each activity you plan to participate and receive CME/CNE.

For Plenary Session: (can be viewed any time at your leisure, but to receive credit must submit CME sheet by December 31, 2025)
Title: 2024 Enduring Material Pain Skills (Interprofessional, CDE)
Activity ID: 2024-0332

For the Virtual Workshops: 
Title: 2024 Pain Care Skills Virtual Training (Interprofessional, CDE)
Activity ID: 2024-0336

For the In-Person Workshops:
Title: 2024 Pain Care Skills In-Person Training (Interprofessional, CDE)
Activity ID: 2024-0333

For questions, contact:
Troy Spencer, troy.j.spencer.ctr@health.mil or dha.bethesda.wrnmmc.mbx.pain-skills-training@health.mil